旅行推销员问题(英语:Travelling salesman problem, TSP)是这样一个问题:给定一系列城市和每对城市之间的距离,求解访问每一座城市一次并回到起始城市的最短回路。它是组合优化中的一个NP困难问题,在运筹学和理论计算机科学中非常重要。尽管问题在计算上很困难,但已经有了大量的启发式和精确方法,因此可以完全求解城市数量上万的实例,并且甚至能在误差1%范围内估计上百万个城市的问题。
问题定义如下:给定若干城市与城市间的距离集合,求经过所有城市恰好一次的最短回路。即:给定图G=(V, E, W),其中V为顶点集合,|V|=n,E为边集合,W为边权函数,求集合{1, 2, …, n}的一个排列$\pi$ 使得下式最小。
\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}w(v_{\pi(i) },v_{\pi(i+1)})+w(v_{\pi(n)},v_{\pi(1)})
x_{ij}= \begin{cases}1, & \text {路径选择从i到j} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}
对于i=1,2,…,n,令$c_{ij}$ 表示从城市i到j的距离,$u_{i}$为一个正整数变量,那么TSP问题可以写成下面的整数线性规划问题:
\min \sum_{i=0}^n\sum_{j\neq i,j=1}^n x_{ij}w_{ij} \\
x_{ij}\in \{0,1\} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i,j=1,…,n \\
u_i \in {Z} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i=1,…,n \\
\sum_{i=1,i\neq j}^n x_{ij}=1 \ \ \ \ \ j=1,…,n \\
\sum_{j=1,j\neq i}^n x_{ij}=1 \ \ \ \ \ i=1,…,n \\
u_i-u_j+nx_{ij}\leq n-1 \ \ \ \ 2\leq i\neq j \leq n
证明可行解中的每个子回路经过1号城市(注意到等式保证了只有一条这样的路径),就能证明所有可行解只包含一个封闭城市序列。对于若我们对所有$x_{ij}=1$ 对应的不等式求和的话,对 k 步不经过1号城市的任何子回路,我们得到:$nk\leq (n-1)k$, 矛盾。
由此定义不难看出,旅行商问题(Traveling Saleman Problem,TSP)是VRP的特例,由于Gaery已证明TSP问题是NP难题,因此,VRP也属于NP难题。
设有一场站,共有M 辆货车,车辆容量为Q,有N位顾客,每位顾客有其需求量D。车辆从场站出发对客户进行配送服务最后返回场站,要求所有顾客都被配送,每位顾客一次配送完成,且不能违反车辆容量的限制,目的是所有车辆路线的总距离最小。
x_{ij}= \begin{cases}1, & \text {路径选择从i到j} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}
对于i=0,1,…,n-1,$c_{ij}$ 表示从城市i到j的距离,0为初始点,那么VRP问题可以写成下面的整数线性规划问题:
\min \sum_{i\in V}\sum_{j\in V} x_{ij}w_{ij} \\
x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i,j \in V \\
\sum_{i\in V}^n x_{ij}=1 \ \ \ \ \ j \in V, j \neq 0 \\
\sum_{j\in V}^n x_{ij}=1 \ \ \ \ \ i \in V,i \neq 0 \\
\sum_{i\in V}^n x_{i0}=K \\
\sum_{j\in V}^n x_{0j}=K \\
\sum_{i\notin S}\sum_{j\in S}x_{ij} \geq r(S) \ \ \ \ \ \forall S \subset V \verb||{0}, S \neq \emptyset
有时间窗车辆路径问题(VRPTW,VRP with Time Windows)
考虑需求点对于车辆到达的时间有所要求之下,在车辆途程问题之中加入时窗的限制,在VRPTW问题中,除了行驶成本之外, 成本函数还要包括由于早到某个客户而引起的等待时间和客户需要的服务时间。
在VRPTW中,车辆除了要满足VRP问题的限制之外,还必须要满足需求点的时窗限制,而需求点的时窗限制可以分为两种,一种是硬时窗(Hard Time Window),硬时窗要求车辆必须要在时窗内到达,早到必须等待,而迟到则拒收;另一种是软时窗(Soft Time Window),不一定要在时窗内到达,但是在时窗之外到达必须要处罚,以处罚替代等待与拒收是软时窗与硬时窗最大的不同。接送货物的车辆路径问题(VRPPD,Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery)
货物需要从一个地点转移到另一个地点。VRPPD的目标是找到一组最好的路径,十多分钟若干车辆可以成本最低地运送货物。按序接送货物的车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem with LIFO)
与VRPPD类似,问题需要把若干货物从一个地点转移到另外的地点,但不同的是,限制了装卸货物的顺序。为了避免临时卸货再装货,问题要求最近接收的货物需要最早的被运送、卸货。开放的车辆路径问题(OVRP,Open Vehicle Routing Problem)
or-tools 工具包介绍
or-tools 功能介绍
or-tools 是 Google 的优化搜索工具。
Google 优化工具包括:
- 约束编程解决方案(N-皇后问题,数字谜问题)
Constraint programming is the name given to identifying feasible solutions out of a very large set of candidates, where the problem can be modeled in terms of arbitrary constraints.
- 为线性规划和混合整数规划解决方案提供简单统一的接口,包括 CBC, CLP, GLOP, GLPK, Gurobi, SCIP, 和 Sulum。
- 背包算法
- 图算法 (最短路径,线性和分配,最小费用流,最大流)
- 路径规划问题(TSP,VRP)
- 开源免费
- 持续维护,改进和开发 Alive
- 详细的文档,提供 C++, Python, Java 和 C# 方面的示例
- 便捷,可以在以下平台编译:
- Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 up (64-bit).
- Mac OS X El Capitan with Xcode 7.x (64 bit).
- Microsoft Windows with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 (64-bit)
- 高效
- 用户友好
- 良好测试
or-tools 结构介绍
目录 | 功能 |
algorithms | 其他or-tools库使用的一些辅助算法 |
base | or-tools使用的基本utilities |
constraint_solver | 约束求解器 |
flatzinc | 用于处理FlatZinc的实用程序 |
graph | Google的图和处理流问题的库 |
linear_solver | 线性求解器(for linear programming) |
lp_data | 用于处理数据的线性优化问题的实用utilities |
sat | Google的可满足性求解器 |
util | or-tools使用的通用utilities |
or-tools 求解vrp问题示例
1.准备数据: 给定若干个城市和他们之间的距离
callback: a function that takes any pair of nodes in the graph for the problem and returns the distance between them — and then passes it to the solver
Routing problems involve quantities that accumulate along a vehicle’s route. In this example, such a quantity is demand — say, the weight or volume of a package that must be delivered. For every location where a vehicle stops along its route, the total demand on the vehicle increases by the demand at that location. (Other examples of these types of quantities are the distance a vehicle travels, or its travel time.)
The routing solver stores each quantity of this type in an object called a dimension. The dimension contains a callback for the quantity, along with related data and variables. You can add a dimension to a routing problem using the solver’s
method. The following code creates a dimension for the demand in this example.
The significant inputs to the AddDimension
method are the following:
— Returns the service time plus travel time to the next location.horizon
— An upper bound for the accumulated time over each vehicle’s route. This sets a global time window of [0, horizon] for all locations. To set the individual time windows at each location, you need to set ranges on the cumulative variable for time, as shown in Add time window constraints.fix_start_cumul_to_zero
— Since the value isTrue
, the cumulative variable for time is set to 0 at the start of each vehicle’s route.time
— The name of the dimension, which you can use to access data or variables stored in it.
- 获取该dimension
- 为其中的每个站点设置开始、结束时间值
3.3 使用到的相关代码


3.4 关键变量、函数与API
- 初始解生成算法routing_first_solution
- default : select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the first available node
- GlobalCheapestArc :iteratively connect two nodes which produce the cheapest route segment
- LocalCheapestArc:select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment
- PathCheapestArc :starting from a route “start” node, connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment, then extend the route by iterating on the last node added to the route
- search过程:
- Meta-heuristics启发式算法策略
- routing_guided_local_search (default: false): activates guided local search (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guided_Local_Search);
this is generally the most efficient metaheuristic for vehicle routing; - routing_simulated_annealing (default: false): activates simulated annealing (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing);
- routing_tabu_search (default: false): activates tabu search (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabu_search).
- routing_guided_local_search (default: false): activates guided local search (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guided_Local_Search);
- Local search neighborhoods
- routing_no_lns (default: false): 使用LNS,可能会找到更好的解法,不过通常比较慢
forbids the use of Large Neighborhood Search (LNS); LNS can find good solutions but is usually very slow.
Refer to the description of PATHLNS in the LocalSearchOperators enum
in constraint_solver.h for more information. - routing_no_tsp (default: true): 在求解当前模型时不使用精确算法求解“子”TSP问题
forbids the use of exact methods to solve “sub”-traveling salesman problems (TSPs) of the current model (such as sub-parts of a route, or one route in a multiple route problem). Uses dynamic programming to solve such TSPs with a maximum size (in number of nodes) up to cp_local_search_tsp_opt_size (flag with a default value of 13 nodes). It is not activated by default because it can slow down the search.
- routing_no_lns (default: false): 使用LNS,可能会找到更好的解法,不过通常比较慢
- searching for solution 限制
- routing_solution_limit (default: kint64max) 在找到若干次更好的解后停止
- routing_time_limit (default: kint64max) 在查找若干时间后停止
- Meta-heuristics启发式算法策略
- 路径相关的变量
- next(i) i节点的直接后继的节点号;可以通过IndexToNode()得到该节点
- vehicle(i) 返回该节点属于车辆路径的编号
- Dimension相关的变量
- dimension变量
- cumul(i, d) dimension为d的节点i的累积值
- transit(i, d) dimension为d的节点i的delta值
- RoutingModel RoutingModel (int nodes, int vehicles, NodeIndex depot) : 构造VRP问题
- const Assignment* RoutingModel :: SolveWithParameters (const RoutingSearchParameters& search_parameters):求解VRP问题
- void SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(NodeEvaluator2* evaluator):定义最小化变量问题
- VRP问题:加入若干节点属于同一辆车的约束:void AddSoftSameVehicleConstraint(const std::vector
& nodes, int64 cost);
标注数组中的节点应该分到同一辆车上,如果没在同一辆车上,每多一个特例,总成本函数增加cost. VRP问题:加入两个节点存在接送关系:void AddPickupAndDelivery(NodeIndex node1, NodeIndex node2);满足:
使用示例:12345// Solver* const solver = routing.solver();// solver->AddConstraint(solver->MakeEquality(// routing.VehicleVar(routing.NodeToIndex(node1)),// routing.VehicleVar(routing.NodeToIndex(node2))));// solver->AddPickupAndDelivery(node1, node2);AddDimension():
- evaluator: 加入限制变量的callback函数
- 相关的两个变量: cumul(累加变量) transit(站点变量)
- if j == next(i), cumul(j) = cumul(i) + transit(i) + slack(i)
- capacity: cumul变量的最大值
- fix_start_cumul_to_zero:开始时是否置为0123456bool AddDimension(NodeEvaluator2* evaluator,int64 slack_max,int64 capacity,bool fix_start_cumul_to_zero,const std::string& name);
- 自定义条件:在constraint_solver中加入constraint。示例:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596// b == (v == c)Constraint* MakeIsEqualCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c, IntVar* const b);// status var of (v == c)IntVar* MakeIsEqualCstVar(IntExpr* const var, int64 value);// b == (v1 == v2)Constraint* MakeIsEqualCt(IntExpr* const v1, IntExpr* v2, IntVar* const b);// status var of (v1 == v2)IntVar* MakeIsEqualVar(IntExpr* const var, IntExpr* v2);// left == rightConstraint* MakeEquality(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr == valueConstraint* MakeEquality(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr == valueConstraint* MakeEquality(IntExpr* const expr, int value);// b == (v != c)Constraint* MakeIsDifferentCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c, IntVar* const b);// status var of (v != c)IntVar* MakeIsDifferentCstVar(IntExpr* const v, int64 c);// status var of (v1 != v2)IntVar* MakeIsDifferentVar(IntExpr* const v1, IntExpr* const v2);// b == (v1 != v2)Constraint* MakeIsDifferentCt(IntExpr* const v1, IntExpr* const v2,IntVar* const b);// left != rightConstraint* MakeNonEquality(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr != valueConstraint* MakeNonEquality(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr != valueConstraint* MakeNonEquality(IntExpr* const expr, int value);// b == (v <= c)Constraint* MakeIsLessOrEqualCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c,IntVar* const b);// status var of (v <= c)IntVar* MakeIsLessOrEqualCstVar(IntExpr* const v, int64 c);// status var of (left <= right)IntVar* MakeIsLessOrEqualVar(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// b == (left <= right)Constraint* MakeIsLessOrEqualCt(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right,IntVar* const b);// left <= rightConstraint* MakeLessOrEqual(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr <= valueConstraint* MakeLessOrEqual(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr <= valueConstraint* MakeLessOrEqual(IntExpr* const expr, int value);// b == (v >= c)Constraint* MakeIsGreaterOrEqualCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c,IntVar* const b);// status var of (v >= c)IntVar* MakeIsGreaterOrEqualCstVar(IntExpr* const v, int64 c);// status var of (left >= right)IntVar* MakeIsGreaterOrEqualVar(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// b == (left >= right)Constraint* MakeIsGreaterOrEqualCt(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right,IntVar* const b);// left >= rightConstraint* MakeGreaterOrEqual(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr >= valueConstraint* MakeGreaterOrEqual(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr >= valueConstraint* MakeGreaterOrEqual(IntExpr* const expr, int value);// b == (v > c)Constraint* MakeIsGreaterCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c, IntVar* const b);// status var of (v > c)IntVar* MakeIsGreaterCstVar(IntExpr* const v, int64 c);// status var of (left > right)IntVar* MakeIsGreaterVar(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// b == (left > right)Constraint* MakeIsGreaterCt(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right,IntVar* const b);// left > rightConstraint* MakeGreater(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr > valueConstraint* MakeGreater(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr > valueConstraint* MakeGreater(IntExpr* const expr, int value);// b == (v < c)Constraint* MakeIsLessCstCt(IntExpr* const v, int64 c, IntVar* const b);// status var of (v < c)IntVar* MakeIsLessCstVar(IntExpr* const v, int64 c);// status var of (left < right)IntVar* MakeIsLessVar(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// b == (left < right)Constraint* MakeIsLessCt(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right,IntVar* const b);// left < rightConstraint* MakeLess(IntExpr* const left, IntExpr* const right);// expr < valueConstraint* MakeLess(IntExpr* const expr, int64 value);// expr < valueConstraint* MakeLess(IntExpr* const expr, int value);
Quantities at a node are represented by “cumul” variables and the increase or decrease of quantities between nodes are represented by “transit” variables. These variables are linked as follows: if j == next(i), cumul(j) = cumul(i) + transit(i) + slack(i)